Chinese characters use logographic script
This means that is is Difficult
The key determinants of improving the effectiveness of environmental policy and institutional systems for the protection of nature and biodiversity of natural ecosystems, protection of the biosphere and climate of the planet Earth include: increasing general social awareness of pro-environmental greenhouse gas emissions, reducing the level of environmental pollution, creating solutions for the reclamation of civilization degraded areas of the natural environment, implementing eco-innovations and energy technologies on an industrial scale based on the development of renewable energy sources, including development of energy based on the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen, etc.
A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
Hi there! These are the 7 articles of the Constitution.
1)Create a legislative branch with two houses
2)Create a judicial branch with a federal court system.
3)Tell how to propose and ratify amendments.
4)State the process to ratify the Constitution.
5)Create an executive branch with one president.
6)Say the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
7) Create a firm league of friendship between states (unify the states)
The fundamental difference is in who has the legal authority to hire and fire city employees.