C. They had nowhere to go
Many slaves wanted to run away but they had nowhere to go.
The constitution must be open to be amended but only when the majority agrees.
The constitution is in many ways a living document.
A constitutions written in the 18th century may have the same core values as the nation right now but its laws either don't hold up or there are certain areas that are left ambiguous and have become glaring in the modern society.
At this point it is important to rule them out and to make new laws for the new life of the new native people of the nation.
But this must only be done when one is certain that the nation is ready for reform and it is begin done with their will.
The British seemed unbeatable. During the previous 100 years, the British had enjoyed triumph after triumph over nations as powerful as France and Spain. At first glance, the odds were clearly against the Americans. A closer look provides insight into how the underdogs emerged victorious. Britain's military was the best in the world. Their soldiers were well equipped, well disciplined, well paid, and well fed. The British navy dominated the seas. Funds were much more easily raised by the Empire than by the Continental Congress. Some of those funds were used to hire Hessian mercenaries to fight the Americans. The Americans had tremendous difficulty raising enough funds to purchase basic supplies for their troops, including shoes and blankets. The British had a winning tradition. Around one in five Americans openly favored the Crown, with about half of the population hoping to avoid the conflict altogether. Most Indian tribes sided with Britain, who promised protection of tribal lands.