B. The second most abundant ingredient by weight.
The ingredients written in the ingredient label are written in ascending order of abundance present in that product.All the quantities written on the ingredient label are measured by weight.
So if the olive oil is written on the second number it means that the olive oil is the second most abundant ingredient in that product by weight.
The U.S.A. taxpayers (in the case of U.S.A. representatives and senators, that is).
The Gobi Desert (/ˈɡoʊbi/) is a large desert or brushland region in Asia.[1] It covers parts of Northern and Northeastern China and of Southern Mongolia. The desert basins of the Gobi are bounded by the Altai Mountains and the grasslands and steppes of Mongolia on the north, by the Taklamakan Desert to the west, by the Hexi Corridor and Tibetan Plateau to the southwest and by the North China Plain to the southeast. The Gobi is notable in history as the location of several important cities along the Silk Road.
Gobi Desert
The answer is concurring opinion. This is considered to be a
legal system that is written that are being done by the judges of the court
that has an agreement in terms of the decision that is being made or concluded
by the court in majority.