Dis is the prefix
disclose means to reveal information
A prefix refers to the group of letters that can be added in the beginning of a root word that may or may not change the meaning of the new word. Some of the examples of prefixes are un & dis <span>that means not, </span>mis <span>that means wrong or wrongly, </span>sub that means under,pre <span>that means before in time and a lot more. Some examples of root words with prefixes are the following, </span>undisclosed, dishonest, misspell, subway, prenuptial and others.
spending alone time with yourself helps you to take time and focus on yourself
<span> It’s fine to click on links when you’re on trusted sites. Clicking on links that appear in random emails and instant messages, however, isn’t such a smart move. Hover over links that you are unsure of before clicking on them. Do they lead where they are supposed to lead? A phishing email may claim to be from a legitimate company and when you click the link to the website, it may look exactly like the real website. The email may ask you to fill in the information but the email may not contain your name. Most phishing emails will start with “Dear Customer” so you should be alert when you come across these emails. When in doubt, go directly to the source rather than clicking a potentially dangerous link. So basically this is the best way to </span>prevent it.