It in the picture of my letter writing
A team can have a healthy conflict if the conflict is solved in a healthy way. When a team openly communicates, addresses the conflict directly, and works together to solve the issue instead of arguing, then the problem and solution can be deemed as healthy. I hope I answered the question! :D
The caged bird singswith a joyous songof the captive life that kept it safe all along.This answer exemplifies the two birds: free and caged. Free in such a way that it is able to sing a song of its choice, and caged, because even if it is in captive it has something to be thankful for, its safety.
Since the goal is to inform the reader, the author uses factual evidence, subheadings, and diagrams to enlighten or educate the reader about the topic they are writing about. This helps the reader understand the topic and creates space for them to create their opinion about the topic.
The correct answer is C. Simile.
A simile is the name of a rhetorical figure that consists of highlighting the similarity between one element and another, to attribute to the first characteristics of the second. According to this definition in the sentence "And closest contact with the human is like a lantern shining in the night" because it highlights the similarity between two events such as human contact and a lantern shining at night by using the word like. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Simile.