Pollution, Population and Development size can all have effects on tempature more polluted places are warmer beleive it or not and buildings can actually absorb a lot of heat however they are usually in cities with large concentrations of people
Geobacter is a microbe use in clean technology to oxidize compounds such as metals.
Hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB) are bacteria that function majorly in the biodegradation of oil hydrocarbons in marine and other environments.
Actinomycetes is a microbe use in the production of antibiotics and recycling of organic matter in the soil.
Thiobacilli are bacteria that have the ability to obtain energy from the oxidation of sulphur and reduced inorganic sulphur bonds. They are Majorly acidophilic or are called acid tolerant bacteria and they are capable of fixing able CO2.
The amount of solar energy in a given area is greater at the equator than in an equal area at the poles, which is why the equator temperature is warmer than the polar temperatures.
Explanation: Hope this helps!!
Anything that is thermal examples are:
boiling/steaming water
The main factor that causes vasoconstriction is the high concentration calcium inside muscle cells.
When the vessels suffer vasoconstriction, the blood supply is decreased and in this way the heat of the body is maintained. The way this happens is because the blood can no longer reach the surface and therefore decreases outward heat radiation. The main factor that causes vasoconstriction is the high concentration calcium inside muscle cells. There are several factors that cause vasoconstriction, internal or external. Environment is one of the external factors, and what happens to the penguins' feet is an example for it, since they are trying to preserve body heat to survive.