Una definición sucinta de Guerra Exterior puede ser la siguiente: Acto internacional constituido por la lucha armada entre Estados, cuyo objeto es hacer prevalecer un punto de vista jurídico o político mediante el empleo de la fuerza.
Voy al carnaval de Vetracruz para relajarme del trabajo diario.
El Carnaval de Río es un de los más coloridos del mundo y es muy bailable.
Los Turista de Perú no se perdieron del hermoso Carnaval de República Dominicana.
El barrio de Notting Hill no deja pasar el hermoso carnal que recorre las calles frías de la ciudad.
Uno de los carros alegóricos se detuvo el el carnaval de Niza.}
Javier se tomara el primer avión a Colombia para estar presente en el Carnaval de Barranquilla.
El carnaval de Oruro fue tan bueno que juan se quedo bailando todo el día.
La belleza del Carnaval de Venecia deslumbra a todos los turistas de américa.
Nueva Orleans se viste de gala por la celebración del carnaval de Mardi Gras .
Los mochileros se fueron al carnaval de Andahuilas para celebrar el cumpleaños de uno de ellos.
Un abrazo.
Na anthology is a collection of elements that could be considered the best in the industry or topic. For example: you can do an anthology of poetry, you have to find the best poems, one of stories or legends, fables, essays, etc. . you can also issue; anthology of love poems or overcoming or patriotic, etc. It is important that the anthology includes the sources (references), a cover page with the name of the compiler and a good prologue or introduction; and of course, an index
Its parts
Anthology should be ordered as follows:
• Home: it must write all data of the person who prepared the anthology. • Dedication: a brief text in which homage is done people who supported him in carrying out his work or during their lifetime. • Presentation is an introduction in which the content of each of the chapters is exposed. In it, the writer discloses the criterion for the anthology and the purpose of this. • Prologue is a short essay in which the writer directs the reader to the works and seeks to earn their trust, so that it is interested yet more for the anthology. • Review: the short article describing a literary scientific text exposed in the anthology.
Its types
the writer or compiler may have different criteria for classifying an anthology, the classifications are: • Partial: it is only when the anthology does not meet all texts of one specific genre, but a selection of texts that have traits in common.
• Personal: when the compiler decides in its own discretion, characteristics or authors of each literary text to be included in the anthology.
• Arbitrary: when the inclusion of a written due to taste or desire compiler.