Answer: X and Y chromosomes.
<u>Chromosome that differs from other chromosomes (autosomes) in shape, size and behavior are called sex chromosome, allosome, heterochromosome or idiochromosome.</u> These sex chromosomes are typical mammalian allosomes and are sex-determining in species in which sex is determined by the XX-XY system. The presence of the XX allosomes determines female sex, while the XY allosomes are for male sex. These chromosomes contain different genes, where some are only on the X chromosome and others only on the Y chromosome, and a few are on both.
The size of the human X chromosome is 164 million bases and currently has 1,170 genes. It is composed of many repetitive DNA segments that do not code for any protein or their function is not known. Only 1.7% of the chromosome codes for functional proteins that are low in length compared to the average length of a human gene. It has a small number of genes known as housekeeping or constitutive -(responsible for the basic maintenance of the cell) and <u>most of the genes it contains are expressed in few tissues or are tissue-specific, which is especially true for those expressed in brain regions.</u> So, the X chromosome is larger and has more euchromatin regions than the <u>Y chromosome which only has genes that code for male sexual development</u>. Since females have two X chromosomes and males have only one, during development in females one of the X chromosomes is inactivated at random in each tissue to make a dosage compensation. Otherwise, females would be expressing twice as many genes as a male. And through inactivation and dosage compensation, both males and females will express the same number of genes.
Normally there are 4000 to 11000 WBCs in a microliter of blood averaging almost 7500. While there are 150,000 to 350,000 platelets in a microliter blood of a normal person averaging almost 250,000. Thus the ratio can be as 250,000 :7500 resulting in 33.3. If a range is to be given, it ranges from 31.8 to 37.5 per microliter of blood.
Thanks to the presence of a nucleolus, cells can generate and interact with proteins that help them generate more cells and perform other complex tasks.
BamHI is a type II restriction endonuclease, ensuring the dimensions
for recognizing short arrangements of DNA and cutting them at a target site. It
transmits various type II endonuclease, replicating DNA, and possibly handling
DNA mutation-derived infections through genetic therapy.
The answer is option B - Rock formed by cooling (Igneous rock)
Volcanic rock (also called extrusive rock) is one type of magmatic rock (igneous rocks) and is the condensated product of extrusive magma after diagenesis and compaction, which differ greatly from sedimentary rocks in forming conditions, environments, and distribution.