You can use prime factorization to find the GCF of a set of numbers. This often works better for large numbers, where generating lists of all factors can be time-consuming.
Here’s how to find the GCF of a set of numbers using prime factorization:
* List the prime factors of each number.
* Circle every common prime factor — that is, every prime factor that’s a factor of every number in the set.
* Multiply all the circled numbers.
The result is the GCF.
For example, suppose you want to find the GCF of 28, 42, and 70. Step 1 says to list the prime factors of each number. Step 2 says to circle every prime factor that’s common to all three numbers (as shown in the following figure).
As you can see, the numbers 2 and 7 are common factors of all three numbers. Multiply these circled numbers together:
2 · 7 = 14
Thus, the GCF of 28, 42, and 70 is 14.
Answer: I think c but im not too sure
Step-by-step explanation;
1 standard deviation
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that :
IQs as measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale are approximately Normal with:
Mean = 100
Standard deviation = 15
About 84% of people will have IQs below 115 because:
84% = 0.84
From z - table, 0.84 corresponds to a z- score of about 0.995
0.995 = 1. 00
The z-score gives the number of standard deviations by which a raw score is above or below the average or mean value.
Raw score = 115
Mean = 100
Standard deviation (sd) = 15
Mean + number of sd's
100 + 1(sd)
100 + 1(15) = 100 + 15 = 115
In one hour he traced the distance of: 36.15 miles
With one gallon of gas he went: 12.05 miles
;) There you go! Good Luck!