The answer is scyphozoan; anthozoan.
In the phylum cnidaria, jellies are members of the <u>scyphozoan</u> clade and corals are members of the <u>anthozoan</u> clade. Cnidaria is a phylum of aquatic invertebrates. It includes sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, box jellies, Hydra, etc. Corals are the members of class Anthozoa and jellies are members of class Scyphozoa.
The right answer is <span>Refractory period.
At the moment when the action potential is emitted, the fiber being depolarized, it is impossible to depolarize it again. It is, therefore, necessary to wait until the membrane potential returns to a value below the critical threshold in order to be able to excite it again. We are thus led to distinguish two periods that characterize its excitability.
An absolute refractory period: during which any stimulation, even supraliminal, is ineffective since the fiber is already depolarized.
A relative refractory period: during which a second action potential can be omitted provided that the depolarization produced by the excitation reaches the critical threshold, which implies that it is more important since the value of the resting potential has not been restored yet.</span>
Short Answer: The amygdala is located in the brain and its functions are related to emotional learning.
The amygdala is a brain structure located in the temporal lobe of the brain. Its functions are related to the emotional system of the brain, and memory. In addition, the amygdala has been shown to influence the emotional learning process. The amygdala is mainly responsible for the formation and storage of memories associated with emotional events, so external sensory stimuli reach the basolateral group of the amygdala, where associations are formed with memories of the stimulus (mainly related to fear).
Aneuploidy can result in the final daughter cell if the spindle fibers fail to pull a chromosome toward the pole as in case of non-disjunction.
Aneuploidy is a condition which arises when one or more chromosome is missing in the final daughter cells.
Non-disjunction refers to the failure of chromosomal or chromatid segregation or separation during cell division. This results in erroneous meiosis or mitosis leading to the formation of final daughter cells or gametes with an extra or missing chromosome. This condition is aneuploidy.
Failure of separation or segregation of:
- Homologous chromosomes occur in Anaphase I, affects four daughter cells.
- Sister chromatids during Anaphase II, affects two daughter cells
This failure of separation leads to aneuploidy chromosomal abnormalities like monosomy, trisomy, etc which can cause diseases like Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome etc.