Answer: theory y
Theory Y managers have an optimistic, positive opinion of their people, and they use a decentralized, participative management style. This encourages a more collaborative , trust-based relationship between managers and their team members.
Similar to a stop light, You can't turn right until the light turns green whenever there is a red arrow on the traffic lights. I hope this helps!
Biofeedback is related to the behavioral perspective in psychology, It is a technique that measures bodily functions and gives the information about them in order to help the patient or client train to control them voluntarily. It is also known as bio-regulation.
Answer: straw polls
A straw poll an unofficial vote that shows how the public thinks about a specific subject or their vote intentions in an election.
Literary Digest took a presidential election straw poll for years, and for years it accurately predicted the winner. It was only in 1936 that the poll predicted, mistakenly, the Republican candidate as the winner, and Literary Digest lost its credibility.
A) The president and the Vice President.