flat bone
Bones are very hard whitish organs that unite with others through the joints or joints make up the Skeleton. It is a specialized form of connective tissue whose main feature is the mineralization (calcium) of its bone matrix (collagen and proteoglycan fibers). There are several types of bones, of which flat bones are described below.
Flat bones are thin bones and consist of two parallel blades of compact bone tissue, with a layer of cancellous bone between them. Flat bones provide considerable protection and generate large areas for muscle insertion. These are the bones most likely due to muscle fixation in the legs.
A. The gene for surface protein was transcribed and translated.
Because all living organisms use the same genetic code, it is possible to express genes from one organism in the other. In this case, the DNA sequence that corresponds to the hepatitis B surface protein gene has been inserted into the banana, and the protein is expressed.
For the protein to be expressed, the gene must have been successfully transcribed into an mRNA by the banana plant machinery. This mRNA has then been translated into a protein that means the hepatitis B surface protein is now present in the cell.
The characteristics of allosteric enzymes are listed below.
1 They may have binding sites for regulatory molecules that are separate from the active site.
2 They tend to have sigmoidal curve of V0 vs [S].
3 They undergo conformational change as a result of modulator binding
The answer is D) All of the above