The correct answer is E. A fault is best described as fractured rock that has been displaced.
Transforming faults are lithospheric plate limits where there is neither subduction nor creation of lithosphere. They are located on the edge of tectonic plates and cut the ridges perpendicularly. The borders near this type of fault are geologically active (earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.).
The most famous transforming fault is that of San Andreas. It is in fact a set of transforming faults which ensures the sliding of the Pacific plate against the North American plate.
There are 4 main large islands
Airline companies
United airlines can't get planes out because of quarantine
The lowland areas of Latin America are very important because of multiple reasons. The majority of the agriculture and farming of animals is taking place in the areas like this, so the food sector is directly connected with them. On top of the agricultural production, these lowlands produce a lot of food on their own. The industries that use as their main material also are directly dependent on these lowlands, as they are mostly covered with numerous types of high quality tropical tree species. There's thousands of species of plants that are used in the medicine, so the pharmacies are also very dependent on them. All in all, these lowlands managed to contribute a lot in the economy, health, and general well being of the Latin American countries.