Sophisticated: having, revealing, or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.
If Molly looked more sophisticated wearing the business suit, that means she looked more professional/knowledgeable thus making it the better option.
1. Xenia (Hospitality): the fact that every guest must be welcomed and fed or you will be punished by the gods.
2. Loyalty: many examples of loyalty all through the book. loyalty between Odysseus and the gods and how he had to trust in them to keep him safe. loyalty from Penelope when she wouldn’t cheat or give up on Odysseus.
3. Vengeance: everyone received their own form of vengeance. Odysseus has the most obvious vengeance by coming home and killing all of the suitors that have been taking advantage of his palace.
The fourth alternative is correct (D).
All descriptions are correct and must be followed to compile a list of references. First, check out what owner will say about it. Second, ask permission and third, if allowed, thank, as a good rule of education. Meeting these requirements you will have no copyright issues.
Squash and Stretch in animation (S'nS) are a more functional way to make the character you are animating come to life or become more like a cartoon. For example, a ball. You can squash it to make it look like it is going down, and stretch it to make it look like it is going up. This creates the squash and stretch motion.
(my opinion about this technique. I like to use it to make it look more clear and bouncy.)
In the context of this essay, it would be "<span>4. Tan's mother does not speak standard English, but she is able to convey the ideas behind her words" that</span> best describes the meaning of this statement.