This question is a bit tricky to answer because it does not state how often interest rate is applied so lets say for the simple 5% interest rate the rate of interest was calculated after 2 years you would pay a total interest of $15 since interest was only calculated once but for the 3% calculating every year with compound it would be a total of 18.27 dollars in interest but then you would have to calculate the 5% simple interest the same way which would total to $30 if calculated once a year being more than the 3% compound. But lets say interest is calculated once a month your total for the 5% simple interest would be $360 dollars interest for those 2 years and the 3% compound would be $406.97 dollars in interest. So over all the less amount of times interest compounds the less interest there is making it more worth than the simple but if the compounding occurs more frequently the simple 5% interest is more worth it. In this situation I think it might just be yearly interest which makes the 3% compound more worth taking for this short amount of time.
Answer:B Place the decimal point after 2
All you have to do is multiply 3.12 times 4
Answer: Materiality
Explanation: In simple words, materiality refers to the accounting concept which states that only those transaction should be recorded in the financial statements which are important to the stakeholders.
In other words, the transactions should be recorded in such a way that it gives some value to the stakeholders.
Therefore, in the given case, steve reported two expenditures in the fiancial statement as the amount is significant, thus,must be holding the value to stakeholders.
Hence the correct option is D.
Outsourcing is when a company gives some of its internal activities to an external party that takes the responsibility to get things done and one of the reasons for a company to do this is to get rid of activities that have to get done but that are not part of their core operations to be able to concentrate on their main activity and get those things done by experts which can help increase productivity. According to that, the answer is that the statement is true.
I agree because it taught me how to be a tood person, and wpone that is smart academically and in life