Here is a brief Julius Caesar summary:
The tribunes, Marullus and Flavius, break up a gathering of Roman citizens who seek to celebrate Julius Caesar’s triumphant return from war. The victory is marked by public games in which Caesar’s friend, Mark Antony, takes part. On his way to the arena Caesar is stopped by a stranger who warns that he should beware the ides of March.
Fellow senators, Caius Cassius and Marcus Brutus are suspicious of Caesar’s reactions to the power he holds in the Republic. They fear he will accept offers to become Emperor. Cassius, a successful general himself, is jealous, while Brutus has a more balanced view of the political position. Cassius, Casca, and their allies visit Brutus at night to persuade him of their views, and they plan Caesar’s death. Brutus is troubled but will not confide in his devoted wife, Portia.
On the 15th March Caesar is urged not to go to the Senate by his wife, Calphurnia, who has had dreams that he will be murdered, and she fears the portents of the overnight storms. He is nevertheless persuaded by flattery to go, and as petitioners surround him Caesar is stabbed and dies as Brutus gives the final blow. Against Cassius’s advice Mark Antony is allowed by Brutus to speak a funeral oration in the market place after Brutus has addressed the people of Rome to explain the conspirators’ reasons and their fears for Caesar’s ambition. Brutus calms the crowd, but Antony’s speech stirs them to riot and the conspirators are forced to flee from the city.
I hope it helped : )
Gwendolyn Brooks delves into the conditions of real people's lives, exposing the tiny details that demonstrate that their everyday routine is strained by the lack of money. Without any resources, though, the couple in "The Bean Eaters" manages to collect a room full of memories – scraps and "fringes" of all of the things which remind them of days when their lives were happier (and maybe just a little bit more well-off).
Popular opinion says that once you reach a certain age, your life might as well be over. After all, what do old people have to contribute to society? They don't work. They don't produce children anymore. What do they do? That's precisely the sort of logic that allows society to forget an elderly couple, leaving them all on their own in a tiny rented room. Even though they may once have been mothers and fathers, friends and family, they're now abandoned. It's not too pretty, we have to say.
The Home
Sure, a rented room in the back of a house isn't exactly what comes to mind when we think of homes in America. After all, isn't owning your own home part of the American Dream? From what we can tell, this bean-eating couple missed out on that particular part of the dream a long time ago. Despite the fact that they have little money and are left on their own, though, this couple has constructed a routine that seems to fill their lives – even though the entire scope of their lives is contained within one tiny room.
We must say, it's a little presumptuous for us to decide that race is one of the central topics of "The Bean Eaters." After all, the couples' skin color is only mentioned once – and even then, it's part of a larger description. Gwendolyn Brooks's work, however, is known for its deft exposure of the ways that a person's race or class can affect his or her social standing. When she was writing in the 1960s, poverty rates among blacks were ridiculously higher than the poverty rate among whites. So even if this poem isn't explicitly about race, it's completely shadowed by America's racial history.
(with Examples) The indicative mood is a verb form which makes a statement or asks a question. For example: ... (This is a verb in the indicative mood.)
C.lesser to greater is answer
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