There is a lot of debate about how much war and medicine have influenced each other. Sometimes war adds to medical knowledge by drawing attention to a particular injury, such as the loss of a limb. Military medicine has also influenced how medicine is done. But sometimes innovations in military medicine result in better ways to treat an injury or advance fields of medicine, such as plastic surgery, psychiatry and emergency medicine. Triage, the system of prioritising multiple casualties, has been adopted for all emergency medicine ever since the First World War.
For some people, the physical and mental damage caused by war lasts a lifetime. Medical teams have had to develop methods to help them adjust to living with disability and illness. The young men who signed up to fight in 1914 had little preparation or support for dealing with the stress and trauma of modern warfare. Some refused to fight and were mistakenly accused of cowardice. During the First World War, 309 British soldiers were executed, many of whom are now believed to have had mental health conditions at the time.
The South opposed the Wilmot Proviso because it would have prevented any new territories from having slavery in them.
In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot of Pennsylvania introduced the proviso as an amendment to an appropriations bill in connection with the peace treaty being negotiated with Mexico. His amendment stipulated that any territory gained from Mexico would be free, not allowing slavery. The specific language of the proviso went like this:
<span><em>Provided, That, as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States, by virtue of any treaty which may be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys herein appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted</em>.
Wilmot's amendment passed in the House of Representatives, but was unable to get approval in the Senate. The high-intensity debate over slavery and the expansion of slavery was evidenced by how things went with the "Wilmot Proviso."
Assuming that you are referring to the territories of today's Mexico, formerly know as <em>New Spain</em>, here is the paragraph:
As Hernan Cortes campaigned throughout the first continental lands of America, the idea that many Spaniards, probably even himself, harbored was that of founding Spain all over again in the newly found and conquered lands. A mix of nostalgia and pride for the Motherland, Spain, must have prompted the <em>Conquistadors</em> to name the cities and provinces they founded after cities and provinces already existing in Spain. One reason for using already familiar names had to do with the difficulty of pronouncing the original names of the places given by the native people, the other one had to do with a sense of control, since most people hold the belief that naming things bestows them with a degree of control over them. And yet another reason may have been the comfort of living in places named after their old home towns and provinces the Spaniards had come from.
The oregon trail, mormon Trail,and William B. Travis
The Oregon Trail was important because it was a major route for migrating to the western part of the United States. mormon trail is where The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints traveled for 3 months. William B. Travis was a lieutenant Colonel in the texas army,he died at the battle of Alamo during the Texas revolution. He was also a lawyer at one point.
The fact that it would have created a large federal bureaucracy to administer a complex set of federal regulations