Candle can be a verb or a noun.
Have a good Day
Lord and Lady Capulet both have strong emotional reactions to Juliet's refusal to marry Parris. When Juliet gives her answer, Lord Capulet gives her an ultimatum: marry Parris or he'll disown her. Lord Capulet does not have a rational conversation or hear Juliet's concerns. Lady Capulet also reacts emotionally when she refuses to listen to her daughter as well.
Have you noticed on Saturdays in the park a lot of people are feeding birds? Birds can be so graceful and charming part of nature. Many people believed that they are helping the birds when they feed the birds. To feed the birds you have to do it year round. The birds also need a nest or ether a shelter to stay in. Even though all of these things are good the bad things about feeding birds are more plentiful than the good things about feeding the birds. The bird community may never be the same.
Birds have to migrate every year. The bad thing when you feed them is when they migrate they will have forgotten how to find food for themselves. That is because they have depended on the human to feed them for so long. The people are taking the natural part of the birds out of the birds and completely changing their personality. The birds are losing the wild side of them and they are getting too close to humans. The birds are also becoming aggressive to be able to get the food. Before long all of the birds will not know how to do anything on their own and they will depend on the humans for everything such as shelter and food. In the passage, it states, "Wild birds can become dependent on the hideouts." Also, it states, "When this happens, their behaviors change." This means that the birds are mainly having the wild part of them taken out to where they are just as human-friendly as they can be.
The birds are gong from natural free and in the wild birds to pets that can hardly do anything for themselves. Another thing is there are natural feeding sites all over the world for the birds, but that causes the wild ones that can fend for themselves to go to them and then the next thing you know there is not enough room for the birds that cant fend for themselves. The people are getting to where instead of seeing the birds in their natural habitat where nothing is harmed to where they want to have artificial one put up. The artificial bird sites are not only good for the people but they are also hurting the birds in many ways. In the passage, it states, "They can still visit sites where these birds nest
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Hi! I don't know exactly what you want, but I can give you some tips and points to use.
- Safety : it is easy and fast to call emergency services
- Time-saving : being able to surf the web without a computer saves a lot of time, and time is money!
- Communication : cell phones keep us in touch with friends and loved ones
-World Access : We have the whole world at our fingertips and can connect to people around the globe.
- DO NOT FORGET A COUNTER ARGUMENT!!! For example, if you were arguing for the safety aspect, you could say something like, "Although it can be argued that cell phone use can cause harm to teens, cell phones contribute to a lot of kids' and teens' safety because ....blah blah blah."
- USE STATISTICS! Teachers eat that stuff up. Do not be afraid to just throw them into a paragraph to back something up.
That is pretty much all I can think of rn. Good luck! :)
We can say the writer uses language to describe the garden in the following manner:
- The writer's word choice conveys a sense of mess and disorganization.
- Words such as "overgrown mess," "muddle of trees and shrubs," "gnarled growth," and "mass of nettles and brambles" help readers visualize the garden that has not been taken care of.
- The writer's word choice and use of figurative language also convey eeriness.
- Some of the figurative language used are imagery (language that appeals to the senses), personification (human-like behaviors or qualities attributed to inanimate objects), and metaphors or similes (comparison).
- For example, "its knuckles in the earth like a gigantic malformed hand" is a simile that compares the tree to a scary looking hand.
- "The trunk of the tree was snarled with the tangled ivy . . ., choking it" uses imagery and personification to help readers visualize the tree and the ivy that wraps it.
- Figurative language consists in using words with meanings that go beyond their literal, original meaning.
- Examples of figurative language are:<u> metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, imagery, onomatopoeia,</u> etc.
- In the excerpt we are analyzing here, the writer uses metaphor, simile, personification, and imagery.
- Metaphor and simile are both a type of comparison. The difference between them is that the simile needs the help of words such as "like" or "as", while the metaphor does not.
- Personification happens when we give an objective a trait or behavior that belongs to humans.
- Imagery happens when we choose words that appeal to the senses (sigh, hearing, smell, touch, and taste) to help readers visualize and feel what it is that we are describing.
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