The earthworm has a closed circulatory system, and there are 3 main vessels: <span>aortic arches, dorsal blood vessels, and ventral blood vessels.
aortic arches: It functions as the heart of the earthworm dorsal blood vessels: Responsible to carry blood to the front of the body ventral blood vessels: Responsible to carry blood to the back of the body
The blood flow in earthworm is a closed circulatory system. It has <span>three main vessels that supply the </span>blood<span> to organs: arotic</span><span> arches, dorsal </span><span>and ventral </span>blood vessels.
<span>Dorsal vessel is the main collecting vessel. It sends blood to anterior region where it sends blood to lateral oesophageals and to the heart.</span> Ventral vessel is the main distributing vessel. It sends blood to integument, ventrointestinal, and reproductive organs.