If she has cramps Dark chocolate helps with that.But just give her advise on some things.Tell her it gets better and its just part of life.
If we had the same climate every minute of every hour tons of carbon would circulate the earth and climate change would make the polar ice caps melt from all the carbon around
14. It would indirect and 15. Direct
DNA is copied during mitosis and when the two resulting copies of DNA are compared they are found to contain the same order of nucleotides is not the result of mutation in the DNA sequence of an organism.
Mutation is the process
It is caused by certain chemicals called mutagens or by environmental factors.
In mutation the nucleotide get change which eventually changes the protein product.
In mutation purine base gets mutated to purine base and pyrimidine base gets mutated to pyrimidine only.
A single change in nucleotide is called point mutation and the effect occurring because of it is called frame shift mutations.
In S phase there are checkpoints which ensure that DNA replication is accurate and when mitosis follows it equal distribution of DNA takes place between the two daughter cells hence no mutation will takes place.
Allergens differ from antigens because *they do no stimulate the immune system resulting in the production of leukocytes rather than the stmulate the IgE antibodies*
Allergen and antigen are both foreign substances that can cause certain disorders to animals, but there is some difference between them in terms of their nature and the diseases caused by them. An allergen is a nonparasitic foreign substance that can cause certain immune reactions in the body when it enters the body. Whereas, an antigen is a foreign substance that can trigger the immune system to produce a specific immune response. This immune response leads to produce antibodies that can neutralize or destroy the foreign substances that entered the body.
Allergens can produce Systemic Allergic Response. Allergens stimulate the IgE antibodies by binding to them on the mast cells and causing the mast cells to rupture and release histamine, serotonin, and heparin, initiating inflammatory response.