There heart began to beat faster and their body produce more sweat and there blood is following faet
40 a body cell has twice the number of chromosomes than in a gamete
<h2><u>Answer</u> :</h2>
The correct option is A. If a dominant allele is present, the recessive allele won’t be seen.
The dominant allele is the one which appear, and the recessive one isn't shown.
For example - If a person has 2 alleles of eye colour as B ( black ) and b ( brown ), in which black is dominant and the brown one is recessive, then the person will have black eye colour because only dominant allele shows its characteristics.

Important facts about cities or towns are their healthcare and the sanitation within that certain area.
Make sure you are eye level with the meniscus of the liquid level, and measure to the bottom of the meniscus.