Woman are not just housewives, but they are important people in the world. But men are just not treating them fairy and we need to do something about it.
Answer:In today’s world, audiences would like find Miranda’s character to be less than compelling.
She is totally naive due to her island exile, and while her father has taught her, as was the norm, he considered her a total innocent, incapable of truly caring for herself (look at what she offers the prince), and always requiring a man to provide.
Critics say Microsoft's incredible two-decade run at the top of the computer industry has less to do with innovation than it does with bully tactics. But new research from Harvard Business School professors Marco Iansiti and Alan MacCormack suggests a different reason: the company's ability to spot technological trends and exploit key software technologies.
Perhaps no technology company outside of IBM has been able to keep on top of the industry as much as Microsoft. What's more, Bill Gates & Co. have achieved this success during times of incredible technological transformation, usually just the period when titans are vulnerable to being knocked off by disruptive technologies.
Dxddy_Amiii ~
for your question on that other question