A. Community.
This is because a community contains living this, and biotic means living.
The correct matches are:
- all: omni-
- first: prim-
- eat: -vor
- few: oligo-
- under: sub-
- below: sub-
- from: de-
- out of: de-
- remove: de-
- water: hydro-
- flesh: carn-
- animal: zoo-/zoa-
- killer: -cide
- self: auto-
- between: inter-
- other: hetero-
- food/nourishment: troph
- heat: calor-
- beyond: ultra-
- within: intra-
- light: photo-
- alongside: para-
Since scientific terms are harder to understand, some common prefixes (word added to beginning of another) , suffixes (word added at the end) and root words can be used to correctly guess the meaning of a biological term. Most of the terms have been derived from ancient Greek and Roman words.
- The prefix omni- means all. E.g, an omnivore is a type of animal that eats both plants and animals.
- Prim- is a prefix that means first or foremost. In some cases, it also means basic or fundamental. E.g the primal instincts of any animal are its basic and innate characteristics.
- Vor is a suffix that mean eat or devour. E.g, carnivore is an animal that eats meat.
- Oligo is a prefix that means few or little. E.g, oligosaccharide is a carbohydrate containing few sugar molecules.
- The prefix sub- means both under and below. E.g, subcutaneous means under the layer of the skin.
- The prefix sub- means both under and below. E.g, subcutaneous means under the layer of the skin.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix hydro means water. E.g, hydroelectric power is energy derived from water.
- Carn is a prefix that means flesh or meat. E.g, a carnivore is an animal that eats meat.
- The prefix zoo or zoa defines an animal or of animal origin. E.g, zoology i.e. the study of animals.
- The suffix, -cide means to kill or destroy. E.g, fungicide is a chemical that kills fungi.
- Auto is a prefix that means self. E.g, autophagy is the pahgocytosis or engulfing of the body cells by other cells of the body.
- Inter is a prefix that means between. E.g, intercellular means between the cells.
- The prefix heter or hetero means different or other. E.g, heterogeneous is a type of mixture that contains different types of elements.
- Troph is a suffix that means feed or nutrition or nourishment. E.g, autotroph is an organism that produces its food by itself.
- Calor means heat. E.g, calorimeter is an instrument that measures heat or change in heat.
- Ultra is a prefix that mean beyond. E.g, ultrasonics are sound waves that are beyond the audible hearing range.
- Intra is a prefix that means within. E.g, intracellular means within or in the cell.
- Photo is a prefix that means light. E.g, photosynthesis is a process that plants use to make food by capturing light.
- Para is a prefix that means beside, near, equal or alongside. E.g parathyroid is a gland near the thyroid gland.
The plate that foes not appear in both hemispheres is the Indo-Australian. I just took this on edge. Glad I could help!