North Carolina residents want the government to fix existing roads first, before building new ones. They also favor improving rail services and buses to increase the number of public transportation users. But some citizens complain that governments are robbing Peter to pay Paul, shortchanging one area that needs transportation funds in order to contribute to another area.
Only use the important part
Hi! Britney's tragic flaws was low self-esteem and body image issues.
A students vocabulary plays a very important role in the reading process By enhancing your vocabulary, you’re training your mind to be able to comprehend complex readings using critical thinking skills. in order to be able to comprehend a story or an article, the vocabulary knowledge of a student has to be enriched so it progress as time goes by, we need to know what words mean (vocab) to be able to comprehend what is being read.
5. This says that Lennie has the obedience of a dog. He listens to George and would go as far as jumping of a cliff if told so.
(I hope this helps you. Read this book last year so might be a bit off. Try using google too; Ex: "Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 analysis", I usually find helpful information)