a leader has followers that follow cause the leader has influenced them and shows them the right path to follow
Exodus is the second book
George Campbell Childress was a lawyer, politician, and a principal author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.
The tension between America and Soviet Russia calmed down
Middle East: America started selling weapons to them especially Pakistan.
Africa: not sure
Asia: China grew stronger and became an economical power house.
Kinda what I know for now...
It forms the way that the people apart of that nation percieve their country. As well it encourages almost romantacizing conflict in the way that it seems epic and more heroic. This can be dangerous because it starts to make peoples first reaction to an issue start to revolve around conflict. For example if a country is being faced with a possible global crisis a possible solution that is always on the table is war and battle because their whole lives in that country they have been exposed to that concept and therefore is more familiar to them. That "our country has to have a strong milotary this is America for gosh sake!" (just an example) It creates a connection between national identity and conflict, which serves to make both more prevelent.