The metropolitan area is a large population center consisting of one large metropolis and the surrounding area, or several neighboring central cities and the surrounding area. One or more big cities can act as a hub, and metropolitan areas are usually named according to the biggest or most important central city in them. An example is the Jabodetabek Metropolitan Area, where Jakarta is the core city and "Bodetabek" as the surrounding buffer zones have interdependent relations. Metropolitan is an urban system which means a collection of cities interacting and working together to achieve certain goals in a complex environment.
I'm not so sure but I believe it's either
A:52 americans
B: American students
but I'm thinking it would be A
The Aztec empire was a class society with royalty sitting at the top end of the hierarchy. It was followed by the nobility which, other than the land-owning class, also included the warriors and priests. Common Aztec people indulged in various professions such as farming, trading, craftsmanship, and others.