Other things veterinarians are looking at is the boundary between animals, people, and the environment. Veterinarians need to work with human doctors to work on food safety, problems connected to cancer, etc. Veterinarians and human doctors can get facts from each other. The problems we face in society means that they have to cooperate with both the animal health side, the human health side, and environment side as well. One way they think of “one health” is evolving viruses. They are looking at this to find a solution by the use of comparative medicine and observing the environment.
Obturator Externus
Obturator Externus: This is one of the smaller muscles of the medial thigh, and it is located most superiorly.
A. damaged her peripheral nervous system because the information regarding taste cannot be transmitted back to her brain.
The nervous system is an important system of our body and is directly related to our survival. This system is linked to the coordination of the organism's various activities and is also responsible for allowing the interpretation of the environment around us.
The nervous system is an important system of our body and allows us to have emotions, to remember an important moment in our lives, to interpret smells, tastes and images, to make movements and even to stay alive through the automatic breathing and heartbeat.
Taste, that is, the sense of taste is directly linked to the peripheral nervous system. For this reason, if Stacey has lost her sense of taste, we can conclude that she has damaged her peripheral nervous system because taste information cannot be transmitted back to her brain.
This would be an example of ____________.
A) A deletion mutation.
Notice how the sequence continues after loss of the C in the middle. It will also shift the reading frame when translating, thus a frame-shift mutation.