primary producers
the lower part of the pyramid the further away from the sun the food is the more toxic it is likely to become
photosynthesis from the sun...
The predator is the one putting the other in danger and the prey is the one IN danger
because if you look at Darwin's change of evolution finches like these can break walnuts and pick at it because they have strong beaks
C- Single-celled organisms and soft, boneless animals.
e) unicellular, colonial, or multicellular.
Protists originates from the Kingdom Protoctista. They comprise of organisms that are unicellular (Amoeba) or unicellular-colonial (volvox) in nature and which have no tisssues, therefore they are at the cellular level of organization.
Examples include, Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Slime mold, Kelp, Diatoms, DInoflagellates. etc.
Some of them are also considered to be multicellular eukaryotes e.g slime molds, red algae etc. Eukaryotic organisms are organisms that possess cells containing a nucleus.
Characteristics in which protists exhibit varies from one species to the other.
For example, the mode of nutrition in eukaryotic algae are autotrophic in nature, in amoeba, they are gifted with pseudopods(false feets) in which they used to engulf prey(a term known as phagocytosis) therefore making them to be heterotrophic in nature.
In protist, locomotion varies from one organism to another. For example, in Amoeba , locomotion is achieved by extending and retracting pseudopods, Euglena are flagellated in nature , hence they move with the flagella. In Paramecium that are ciliated in nature, they move by propelling their cilia. etc.