The European Parliament to resolve their concerns.
The European Parliament bis the legislative section of the European Union. The European Parliament is made up of 705 members and is the 2nd largest parliament in the world.
When there is dispute with regards to EU laws the European Parliament is the body that resolves it. They help implement laws enacted by the European commission. They can amend or reject a legislature, and they also make proposal for legislation.
So citizens of France, Belgium, and Finland will approach the European Parliament when they are upset by a recent trade law enacted in the European Union which they feel negatively impacts their respective economies.
Joint Tenancy
Joint tenancy represents a legal contractual arrangement that involves two or more people who have agreed to own a single property sharing both obligations and rights equally.
The terms of join tenancy is such that no one whether the partner or an inheritor of will is able to sell the property in future without the consent of other partners. Secondly, when a partner dies joint tenancy does not transfer assets to heirs instead it is vested in the surviving partner.
It becomes that Bill did not name his wife as his beneficiary, hence Mike inherits the entire 342 acres of land after Bill's death.
The answer about A static budget would be
A static budget is a type of budget that incorporates anticipated values on inputs and products that are conceived before the period in question begins. When compared to the actual results that are received after the fact, the static budget figures are often very different from the actual results.
The static budget is intended to be fixed and unchanged throughout the period, regardless of fluctuations that may affect the results.
For example, under a static budget a company would establish an anticipated expense, say $ 30,000 for a marketing campaign, for the duration of the period. It is then up to the managers to adhere to that budget, regardless of how the cost of generating that campaign really stays during the period.
This type of budgeting is limited by the ability of an organization to accurately forecast what its needs are, how much it will spend to meet them and what its operating income will be during the period. Static budgets can be more effective for organizations that have highly predictable sales and costs, and for shorter periods of time.
For example, if a company sees the same costs in materials, profits, labor, advertising and production month after month to maintain its operations and there is no expectation of change, a static budget may be adequate for its needs.