Interventionalists believed providing aid to Britain would keep the US out of war
West Florida took the side of the Loyalists; while East Florida strongly
supported the Patriots.
D. Cutting workers' wages to make up for losses
During poor economic times, many companies often struggle with how best to manage their most valuable resource - their human resource while remaining viable or relevant as a business. This means that employers would do everything possible to retain their employees even if it will involve cutting their wages rather than laying them off.
Most companies during tough economic times adopts strategy to cut workers' wages inorder to make up for losses. Here, companies cut costs and adapt to changing market demand. In as much as the poor economic times affects most if not all companies, most employees would also be willing to accept pay cut rather than being laid off.
I'm fairly certain that this would be D because of the great uproar and protest caused in the US during the Vietnam war