The key you need to press together with the click to be able to redirect to a hyperlink is the Control key.
In an electronic environment, a hyperlink is usually a word or phrase, highlighted in blue and underlined, or even an image, found in a web text and containing the command to "transfer" the user to another relevant web page, from the source node to the destination node.
By selecting this word or phrase the user has the ability to further research a topic from a variety of perspectives to compare information from different sources and actors.
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Grace sat quietly in a stinky stadium with her blue jacket
Grace jumped on a plane to Paris.
Grace ate bananas, apples, and guavas quietly while she listened to the news.
Grace is the name of a major character in my favorite novel
Grace was looking so beautiful as she walked to the podium majestically.
Grace looked on angrily at the blue-faced policeman who blocked her way.
HISTSIZE is the environment variable affects the number of past commands used in the current shell session.
dimensions or calculation