Click DELETE on the Shortcut Menu. Be sure that the object you are deleting is closed before because it will not let you delete.
private static String removeFromString(String old, String frag)
int i = old.indexOf(frag);
while (i> -1) {
String rest = old.substring(i + frag.length());
System.out.println("rest = " + rest);
old = old.substring(0, i);
System.out.println("rest = " + old);
old = old + rest;
System.out.println("rest = " + old);
i = old.indexOf(frag);
System.out.println("i = "+ i);
return old;
Here the index of first occurrence is obtained outside the “while loop” and if this loop runs until index value is >-1. It extracts the rest of the characters other than “frag” from the index and all the characters for which the given set of characters are removed.
Hardware security module.
Hardware security module is a Physical digital device that comes as a plug-in adapter used to secure and manage digital keys and provides crypto processing for strong authentication.
It has an onboard cryptographic keyboard and one or more crypto processors, and can be used on computers and network servers to prevent logical or physical authentication access to unauthorized users. It supports symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
mouse, track ball, stick, touch pad, tablet
<span>D. Make changes to your code
Variables allow the ability to easily substitute numbers for other numbers.