Can created distrust between the community and the law enforcement agency and it can cause fear dislike hatred towards the law enforcement community
Hinduism means a major religious and cultural tradition of South Asia, which developed from Vedic religion
Apartheid. Upon taking power after the 1948 general election, the NP began to implement a program of apartheid – the legal system of political, economic and social separation of the races intended to maintain and extend political and economic control of South Africa by the White minority.
“The Constitution gave too
much power to a central government” best describes the anti-federalist
view of the constitution.
Anti<span>-Federalism<span> refers
to a movement that opposed the creation of a stronger U.S. federal government
and which later opposed the ratification of the 1787 Constitution. The previous
constitution, called the Articles of Confederation, gave state governments more
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The classical view claims that Revolution did not come to Britain because government had been based on the liberal tradition since 1688. Moderate British governments listened to the discontent of the people and reacted with political reforms, preventing the need for violence.