Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the Renaissance following the Middle Ages, such as: increased interaction between different cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, the emergence of humanism, different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of conflict
Crystallized intelligence
The psychologist Raymond Cattell was the first to propose the concepts of the types of intelligence in the sixties. <em>Crystallized intelligence </em>is the set of skills, strategies, and knowledge that constitute the degree of cognitive development achieved through a person's learning history. The potential for intellectual development with which we are born (also called historical fluid intelligence) will achieve a greater or lesser level depending on the educational experiences that occur during life.
1. Founded
2. Devoted
3. Benefited
4. Eventually
5. Transform
6. Innovation
It serves as the second highest court in the state.
It corrects legal errors made by lower courts.
It reviews cases that were previously decided.
It makes rulings on civil cases being heard for the first time.
It decides criminal cases that have not appeared in another court
Health Belief Model
The Health Belief Model posits that the perceived threat of a disease and the belief in the efficacy of a health plan will motivate a person to adopt a behavior or action. For this model to be truly applicable, there would be a
- Perceived susceptibility: This means that the person believes that he or she stands the risk of having the disease.
- Perceived benefits: If a certain cause of action seems effective, the individual is likely to adopt it since it is beneficial.
- Cue to action: These are indicators that move a person to change. Some of them include; the sickness of an acquaintance, a health awareness program, or even a symptom like pain.