B. decision styles are consistent among top managers
Decision making styles differ between managers. Many managers exercise autocratic style which is authoritative wherein very limited inputs from the subordinates are taken and there is little scope for constructive advises.
In heuristic style, the strategies help managers to take clear cut decisions in a prompt manner. In such a form, decisions are arrived at quickly.
Managerial decision making methods differ from manager to manager and are an outcome of managers own judgement and demeanor.
Hence it is evident from above points that decision styles are not consistent among top managers.
B. Increasing the production of a good requires larger and larger decreases in the production of another good.
Opportunity cost refers to the foregone units of production of a good in exchange for producing units of another good.
Marginal cost on the other hand refers to additional cost incurred when an additional unit is produced.
Marginal opportunity cost relates to the additional opportunity cost incurred when additional unit of second good is produced in exchange for foregoing or sacrificing units of production of first good.
Increasing marginal opportunity cost would mean as more and more units of good A are produced, for each extra unit of production of Good A, higher units of production of Good B are sacrificed i.e larger and larger decrease in the production of another good.
The major factor that contributes to the decline of occupations in industries such as textile and clothing is due to the change of technology. Through the technological advancement, innovators are able to machines that work twice as fast as human beings.
C. Finished Goods Inventory has decreased.
Cost of goods manufactured (COGM) increases when finished goods inventory is <em>produced</em>, while cost of goods sold (COGS) increases when finished goods inventory is <em>sold</em>. If COGS has been increasing faster than COGM has been increasing, the company has been selling more goods than it has been producing. Therefore, it must have sold goods from its surplus of finished goods inventory. Thus, finished goods inventory has decreased.
D. May require losing money fighting the first potential entrant.
In this form of gaming, or in this game theory, it is said to be played over and over and could possible be in a probability form that is why that possibly, as a player, you may require loosing money fighting the first potential entrant.
Fighting the first entrant, possibility of cooperating means that their could be a possible compromise in order to carry on accepting a payoff over a certain period of time, knowing that if we do not uphold our end of the deal, our opponent may decide not to either.