Some health consequences are obesity
My best guess would be C. Assessing a patient's level of compliance with past medical advice. You want to know if they have followed medical advice prior because if they haven't, you would just be wasting your breath.
Vitamins ? Let me know if I'm right :) hope this helps some !
Pertussis, or whoop cough, is an acute infectious contagious disease of the respiratory tract transmitted by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Cases of the disease have increased in several countries in recent years. Symptoms last about 6 weeks and may be represented by low fever, runny nose, sneezing, tearing, poor appetite and malaise. As the disease progresses, the patient may experience very strong coughing fits. Suddenly at first, these accessions are brief, but occur one after the other, successively, without the patient being able to breathe between them and are followed by a deep inhalation that produces a sharp sound like an audible whoop.
The child, presented in the question, has symptoms related to pertussis, so we can say that this child is infected with the disease.