Maquiladoras are most similar to american factories. It is a manufacturing operation, where factories import certain material and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly, processing, or manufacturing and then export the assembled product.
The appropriate response is A. A creative concept is an all-encompassing "Enormous Idea" that catches gathering of people intrigue, impacts their enthusiastic reaction and rouses them to make a move. It is a binding together subject that can be utilized over all battle messages, suggestions to take action, correspondence channels and groups of onlookers.
A. Drought
Explanation: As shown in the picture, these birds live in place surrounded by water. Therefore meaning that if there was a drought they could be in danger.
It's a good principle, but not something that can be enforced through government policy. Especially since anyone can call you intolerant if you simply disagree with them.