Serbia supplied the rebels with weapons so that they could kill the archduke. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia entered to defend Serbia because they both had large Slavic populations. Germany entered to defend Austria-Hungary. Alliances drew other countries in until it was a world war.
constitutionality of federal trials
Before the 12th century monk and nuns were usually taken from the Aristocracy. The aristocracy comprises a highest classes in society, mostly included people of noble birth who were holding hereditary title and offices.These people were of higher rank in the society.
Hong Kong
"In 1984, the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration, which incited a wave of emigration from Hong Kong. The Handover of Hong Kong on July 1, 1997, returned Hong Kong to Chinese rule, and it adopted the Hong Kong Basic Law."-wikipedia
England, France, The United States, and Russia.