1.) plasma
2.) Blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all the parts of the body so they can keep working.
Answer: The DNA on the paternal copy of the chromosome will be methylated at the imprinting center, while the DNA on the maternal copy of the chromosome will not be methylated in this region.
Chromosomes are DNA structures associated with proteins such as histones. They are found in the nucleus of cells and contain genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism. Human beings are diploid, meaning that they possess two copies of each of the 23 chromosomes (a total of 46).
Gametes, which are sex cells such as the sperm (produced by the male) and the egg (produced by the female) that are haploid. This means that they possess only one chromosome of each pair. During fertilization, a male gamete fuses with a female gamete to generate a zygote, which will give rise to a new human being. <u>This new individual will possess half of the genetic material from its father and half from its mother. Thus having a total of 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent</u>.
Genetic imprinting modulates gene expression by chemical modification of DNA and/or modification of chromatin structure. Often, genetic imprinting causes a gene to be expressed only on the chromosome inherited from one of the parents. One example of imprinting is DNA methylation, which is a process by which methyl groups are added to DNA. <u>Methylation modifies DNA function when found in the promoter gene, repressing gene transcription. This means that a methylated gene will not be expressed</u>, that is, it will not produce a protein encoded by that gene. So, if a region of DNA is imprinted in the sperm cell, the paternal chromosome inherited from this sperm will be methylated in the genes of the offspring. And the offspring will only express the maternal copy inherited, which will not be methylated.
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</span> All normal eggs from the mother have an X chromosome while usually half the sperm cells from the father have a Y (male) chromosome and the other half have an X (female) chromosome and it is therefore the father's sperm that dictates which gender the embryo will take.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome then the embryo will be a genetic male due to XY chromosome combination.
<span>If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome then of course the embryo will be a genetic female due to XX chromosome combination.</span>
- Microscopio de Robert Hooke: Aumento de 30X; monocular; con soporte rudimentario; enfoque de objetos transparentes y opacos
- Microscopio óptico actual: más sofisticado, binocular; compuesto por tres sistemas: sistema mecánico, sistema óptico (hasta 1.500 aumentos 1500 X), y sistema de iluminación.
El microscopio óptico fue el primer microscopio y marcó una nueva era en la biología y la medicina, siendo fundamental para la observación de estructuras celulares y subcelulares, lo cual permitió el desarrollo de diversas teorías tales como, por ejemplo, la teoría celular. La característica más importante compartida por los microscopios ópticos es el uso de la luz visible para visualizar las muestras. Los microscopios ópticos rudimentarios fueron popularizados en el siglo XVII, a partir del uso de Galileo Galilei. Posteriormente, en 1665, el científico inglés Robert Hooke usó su microscopio mejorado para observar muestras biológicas. El microscopio de Hooke era monocular y aumentaba la imagen 30 veces (30X), tenía un mejor soporte que los microscopios anteriores más rudimentarios, y podía enfocar tanto objetos transparentes como opacos. Actualmente, los microscopios ópticos están compuestos por tres sistemas: 1-sistema mecánico compuesto por piezas (es decir, una base, platina y brazo) donde están insertadas las lentes, un 2-sistema óptico compuesto por diferentes lentes conocidas como lentes oculares (microscopios binoculares) y lentes objetivos, las cuales permiten el aumento de las imágenes hasta 1.500 (1500X, con uso de aceite de inmersión), y 3-un sistema de iluminación para reflejar, transmitir y regular la intensidad de la luz.