Free cash flow (FCF) is, essentially, the cash flow that is available for interest and dividends after the company has made the investments in current and fixed assets that are necessary to sustain ongoing operations. (A)
Option A- This statement is true.
Option B- This is false. After-tax operating Income is calculated as Operating profit less interest less Depreciation and less tax
Option C-This is false. They will have the same operating incomes. Operating income is calculated as Sales less operating cost.
Option D- False.
Option E- False.
Answer: b. 34.15 or higher
Short sales refer to the sale of borrowed stocks in anticipation that the stock price of the underlying stock will fall. This will then enable you to make a profit by buying the cheaper shares and giving it back to the entity you borrowed from thereby making a profit.
With short sales, the price is usually upward trending so will normally increase from the last price. As the last price here was $34.15, that would be the likely minimum for the next sale.
This means that the next sale will either be at a price of $34.15 or a price higher than that.
Express warranties could be simply be described as the agreement which binds a seller and buyer during the purchase of a certain product. Express warranties usually gives buyers the opportunity to return the product to the seller if damaged within a specified period of tine. Express warranty usually has no borders. Tbe use of disclaimer is used by sellers in other to introduce clauses into an express warranty whereby certain terms and conditions are given before the warranty can be deemed as valid. These limitations inteoduced and are capable of voiding the express warranty is called a disclaimer.
The government can control tariffs and can limit how much can be imported into the usa.
The government can provide subsidies to certain producers, typically farmers.
The government can put a ceiling and a floor on prices as they wish. They can control the lowest and highest price a commodity can sell for.
The government can own public works such as a water company if they feel they can provide the service for a lower cost than the local competitors.
The government can decide which companies are monopolies and which companies are violating federal policies regarding trade. The government has the power to break up monopolies.
Each of these has advantages and disadvantages. For example, for farmers, when prices on their crops are too low, the government "gives" them money for their crops so they can stay in business.
A monopoly business controls the price and supply. If the monopoly is broken up, then competitors can enter the field- this can help drive down prices.
If the government can provide utility services for cheaper, that is good.