encourage and support team members
always keep a vision of the “big picture”
communicate frequently with team members
As a team leader, this is important to motivate and encourage team members to move on are especially needed during the hard time to face some challenges or solving some problems.
Besides, a vision of big picture from the team leader will assure the entire team that they are moving in a right direction to achieve a bigger goal despite they are facing a number of challenges/obstacle.
A team work need frequent communication to minimize misunderstanding and to ensure the job allocation and coordination running smooth as expected. A team leader plays the vital role to be proactive in communication with members to make sure every job arrangement are monitored and on track.
What happens when you click answer questions? If nothing happens, exit out or restart, it’s a glitch.
When you first open a word processor document you will find a document with the default indents and margins.
In order to adjust the document indentations the easiest way to do this is to place the cursor where you want the indent to be and then adjust the indent arrow on the ruler at the top of the document to the appropriate value.