Answer: Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective; Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition.
Both works are written in an Old English poetic style: There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf characterizes Grendel as bloodthirsty, but Grendel shows Grendel’s gentler side. - Grendel is a monster;
Beowulf is sympathetic to the humans, while Grendel shows the monster’s perspective. Yes, it is a monster;
Both works focus primarily on the hero, Beowulf. - There is just one work - <u>Beowulf;</u>
Beowulf is a contemporary version of an old tale, while Grendel is based on oral tradition. - Beowulf is the hero of the work; Grendel in Norse mythology, Grendel is a monstrous character.
the First Folio of 1623
two acting colleagues of Shakespeare who oversaw the printing of the first collected edition of his works, the First Folio of 1623.
Lee ensured that the reader would be predisposed to distrust the Ewells simply by focusing on two main characteristics: appearance, and intellect. The Ewells, from the very start, appeared unpleasant, lacking in basic intellect, and immoral.
Answer: something happened that was different than any other day, but someone's action didn't take that into account.
Because the knight was alone and dying when he was found.