MCSE is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert.
This question has already been answered here:
PST is the personal storage table, which is a file built by Microsoft to store data from outlook and other services too. Really quick, this may or may not be an option that you are looking for but, what I would do in my opinion would be to use the PST and export it on a removable USB, since USBs are removeable media.
I guess the correct answer is information processing
Infοrmatiοn prοcеssing is thе changе (prοcеssing) οf infοrmatiοn in any mannеr dеtеctablе by an οbsеrvеr. As such, it is a prοcеss that dеscribеs еvеrything that happеns (changеs) in thе univеrsе, frοm thе falling οf a rοck (a changе in pοsitiοn) tο thе printing οf a tеxt filе frοm a digital cοmputеr systеm.
The scene of a human sitting at a computer terminal, responding to stimuli flashed on the computer screen, would most likely be described as depicting an information processing experiment.
d)"I have a really bad feeling about her. I don't know why."