Backdoors are a method of covertly allows a users that are either authorized or unauthorized to bypass the measures put in place for security and obtain access to a network, computer system, embedded system or software, at a high level known as root access level
The uses of backdoors includes computer remote access security (access to remotely obtain passwords or delete hard drive data), and having access to a cryptographic system stored plain texts
The U.S. National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as the "intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning
just refresh
you did level up i just checked, it just hasnt updated for you
Python script is given below
charge = float(input('Enter the amount you were charged. $'))
#setting the formula for tip and tax
tip = charge*.18
tax = charge*.07
#printing the values
print('Charge for the food: %.2f' % charge)
print('The tip amount: %.2f' % tip)
print('Tax amount: %.2f' % tax)
print('Total amount: %.2f' % (charge+tip+tax))