It has been suggested that these kinds of lesions may be indicative of fighting with other members of its species or the attacks of predators
The Neandertals were exposed to very hard environmental conditions, thereby these lesions may be indicative of such conditions to which this species was exposed.
Trilobites are found worldwide and evolved rapidly, making them easily distinguishable from trilobites of other time periods
Answer: mitochondria
Explanation:Animals and plants are made up of many complex cells called eukaryotic cells. Inside these cells are structures that perform special functions for the cell called organelles. The organelle that is responsible for producing energy for the cell is the mitochondria And cellular respiration.
This is usually the first day of menstruation - the day when the uterus lining starts to be shed.
Cardiac muscle tissue
Myocardium or heart muscle is a special type of muscle (differ than striated and smooth) and it is the main tissue of the walls of the heart.
Heart muscle consists of individual heart muscle cells (cardiomyocytes) which are joined together by intercalated discs. It also contains collagen fibres and other substances that form the extracellular matrix.
Heart muscle has a "special" mode of contraction: action potential triggers the release of calcium ions from the cell's internal store, the sarcoplasmic reticulum.