An exaggeration or overstatement in writing is called a hyperbole.
abab cdcd efef gg. Because the vast majority of Shakespeare’s sonnets followed this rhyme scheme, it came to be known as Shakespearian Sonnet.
Volcano- A volcano Is in open part of the earth crust that forms lava, ash and, gases erupt from it.
Hot Spot- Hot spots are regions of high endemism.
Mantle Plume- The Mantle Plume is a area under the rocky outer layers of the Earth and that were the magma is hotter than surrounding magma.
Seamount- Seamount is an underwater Mountain that’s formed from volcano activity.
Guyot- An undersea isolated volcanic mountain on the sea floor that is flat-topped and caused by wave erosion.
Volume should be the answer
2) Courage.
A connotation can be defined as the quality, feeling or an idea which a word brings to the mind of a person, as well as its literal, dictionary or primary meaning.
Courage refers to the quality that is being possessed by a confident or brave individual which makes him or her not to be intimidated, frightened easily while being cautious in his or her actions.
Hence, the word "courage" provides an appropriate connotation of the word heart as it is used in this sentence: The guard dog defended his owner with the heart of a warrior.
This ultimately implies that, the dog defended his owner courageously like a warrior.