B. Habitat destruction
What is the number one cause of biodiversity loss? 1. Habitat destruction. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss.
The dihybrid ratio we expect in the offspring is 9:7.
This is an example of complementary gene interaction, which is the non allelic interaction or genes, where the prominent genes at heterozygous loci may complement each other by complementing recessive alleles at the respective loci.
So in this case of complementary gene interaction, the individuals that are A-bb or aaB- or aabb will have the same set of observable features (phenotype) but only A-B- individuals will how the dominant phenotype.
Cell, nucleus, chromosome, gene
Cellular specialisation is the process by which an initial undifferentiated cell, gets specialized (attains a structure and function characteristic of a given cell type). In this case, the embryonic stem cells, undergo specialisation to give the many different cells and tissues of the body. Without cellular specialisation during embryo development, we wouldnt have all these varying tissue types fine-tuned to their functions.