Jaylyn Fly's average is 11
Suzy Swoosh's average is 10.9
Suhain Sprint's average is 10.4
When you need to find an average, you just need to add the numbers up and then divide by the total number of values you added.
It’s a type of Nucleotide
Venus is the answer, you can tell easily because Venus has no moons or rings :)
Answer: There is presence of tumor.
Explanation: The adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix (EMC) through integrins ( cell-EMC binding molecules, which are collagens, laminins and fibronectin) causes the activation of kinases in the cytoplasm.
However, kinanes helps in controlling the epithelial cell differentiation and upholding the epithelial tissues. This is done by the addition of phosphate groups to a substrate protein which is termed Protein phosporylation. Then, the kinases direct the affairs of the cell and it's activities. For example, it determines the cell division, anabolic and catabolic activities of the cell, movement of ions between the cell and it's environment (signal transduction), protein functions and etc.
Conclusively, since the activities of the cell like cell division and protein functions is dictated by the kinase, reduction in cell division that gave rise to rapid growth is put on hold. Hence, the tumor is been suppressed.
Note: the binding of cell-EMC is regulated by Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) β.