A local government is a form of public administration which, in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. ... Local governments generally act within powers delegated to them by legislation or directives of the higher level of government.
Disease was the greatest threat on the trail, especially cholera, which struck wagon trains in years of heavy travel. Most deaths from disease occurred east of Fort Laramie. Accidents were the second most frequent cause of death on the trail.
A location at 60 tiers north and 100 ranges east are in Europe. Australia. The Atlantic Ocean.
The Atlantic Ocean lies between North and South the USA at the west and Europe and Africa at the east. Up north, the Atlantic connects to the Arctic Ocean and to the Southern Ocean to the south. Scientists frequently divide the Atlantic into basins: the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic.
The Atlantic Ocean, is a frame of salt water overlaying about one-5th of Earth's floor and setting apart the continents of Europe and Africa to the east from those of North and South us to the west. the ocean's name, is derived from Greek mythology, manner the “Sea of Atlas.” it's far 2d in length to the Pacific Ocean.
Swimming inside the Atlantic Ocean is not the same as swimming in a pool or a lake. Ocean swimming can be very physically taxing and may exacerbate underlying clinical issues in older swimmers.
Learn more about the Atlantic Ocean here: brainly.com/question/20355829
During the industrial revolution, european countries had the ability to control sea routes. in the 19th century, energized by the industrial revolution and under pressure from a RAPIDLY GROWING POPULATION, europe decided to colonize africa and india .
the answer is reversed power