1. Animals
2. Plants
3. Virus
4. Prokaryote
Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide naturally—and trees are especially good at storing carbon removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis.
There are different kinds of tides. This change occur because when the gravitational pull of the sun works along with the gravitational pull of the moon on Earth, it leads to the oceans bulging out.
- This result above makes the high tides as been little higher and low tides been little lower than normal.
Spring tides are known to be the deepest as oceans levels are highest in this kind of tide. The neap tides are known to be the shallowest.
This often occurs when the moon, earth, and sun are said to be at a right-angled plane. Therefore, the gravitation pull of the moon and sun on the oceans do counteract each other making its net effect is smaller.
Learn more about Tide from
The lymphatic vessels are thin-walled valvular structures, composed of lymphangions, which carry the lymph from the tissues, via the lymph nodes, to the bloodstream. For this reason, they are analogous to veins and venules.
The lymphatic network is present throughout the body with the exception of the central nervous system and non-vascularized tissues.
It is separated in two circuits: one for the upper right quarter of the body, and one for the rest.
The lymphatic channels join together to form lymphatic vessels more and more voluminous.
Finally, The lymph is drained by two large collectors:
* The right lymphatic canal
* The thoracic duct.
All lymphatics thus end up in the upper vena cava system by two separate circuits.
Biological and Clinical Relevance of GnRH Pulsatility
Appropriate modulation of LH pulse frequency is essential for pubertal maturation and reproductive function.