Deep zone, surface zone and transition zone.
Open sea zone is the area of the coastal areas above the sea bed and cover the continental shelf where large Marine organism are present and there is enough sunlight algae organism use to photosynthesize and produce food for the Marine organisms by converting carbondioxide and water into carbohydrates.
The zone stretches from the surface , to the middle and depth of 200 m.
The surface zone is the area where light penetrates most , the transition stretches from the surface zone downward, in this zone light penetrates bit not as much as surface zone and in the deep zone, it stretches from the transition zone downward to a depth of 200 meters and don't have enough light penetration compare to surface and transition.
The answer would be genes.
Antelopes and Squirrels depend on grass (a food resource), and in turn the predators (hawks, mountain lions, coyotes) depend on the herbivores.
Hope this helps!
it causes the rapid increase in PH which may harmful for the for fishes and other aquatic lives.
There are a lot of materials which are used to neutralize the acidity of soil.some examples of such materials are slacked lime, quick lime, and liquid lime etc. Lime increases the PH and the concentration of calcium which helps in removal of phosphate from water. Raising PH also cause to remove the carbon dioxide from the water. But keep in mind that rapid increase in PH is harmful for the fishes.calcium oxide also causes the rapid increase in Ph therefore, it is not advisable to use in fishpond.